
Breathing: The Simplest Path to Awakening

Portrait image of a young woman with closed eyes putting hands on her chest in the park
Portrait image of a young woman with closed eyes putting hands on her chest in the park

Dear Seeker,

In the relentless pursuit of success, often we become brilliant at navigating complex algorithms, intricate negotiations, and labyrinthine corporate structures. But sometimes, in this maze of achievements, we lose the compass to our own inner universe.

Enter the art of breathing.

Yes, you’ve been breathing your entire life. But have you ever truly paid attention to it?

Your breath isn’t just the mechanical act of transporting oxygen. It’s the bridge between your body, mind, and soul. It’s the silent language of your inner cosmos, waiting to be understood and harnessed.

Prana: The Lifeforce The ancients called this energy ‘Prana’. A Sanskrit term, Prana translates to life force or vital principle. While it’s pervasive, it’s most tangible and accessible through your breath. By paying attention to your Prana via your breath, you cultivate a direct connection with your own energy and vitality.

Breath Awareness: Your First Step Begin by noticing your breath. Is it shallow or deep? Fast or slow? Just observe without judgment. This is called Breath Awareness. It’s the cornerstone of many meditation practices, including Kundalini and Kriya Yoga. It is not about changing the pattern immediately but about understanding and accepting where you currently stand.

The Power of Conscious Breathing Once you’re familiar with your natural breath, start experimenting with Conscious Breathing. This involves taking deliberate, deep breaths, holding for a moment, and then exhaling fully. When practiced regularly, conscious breathing acts as a thermostat for your emotions and thoughts, grounding you during turbulent times and elevating you during moments of inertia.

Breath of Sound Workshop: Your Gateway For those looking to delve deeper, my Breath of Sound workshop offers tools and techniques to integrate breath with meditation. This synergy can amplify your connection to your true self, allowing an introspective journey that’s both profound and healing.

In essence, by merely paying attention to your breath, you embark on the most authentic journey to reconnect with yourself. You become attuned to the rhythm of your being, recognizing the universal symphony you are a part of. And in this newfound awareness, often lies the balance and joy we’ve been seeking outside.

Here’s a gentle reminder: Every breath you take has the potential to be a stepping stone to a deeper understanding of yourself. All you need to do is pay attention.

Try this quick method next time you feel the need to gain control:

The 10-Second Breath Grounding Technique

  1. Sit or stand with a straight posture.
  2. Close your eyes gently.
  3. Take a deep, intentional inhale through your nose, counting to 3.
  4. Hold for a count of 1.
  5. Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 6.
  6. Open your eyes and observe the immediate calm.

Remember, just one focused breath can anchor you back to the present moment. Practice this anytime you feel disconnected or overwhelmed.

With warmth and light,


About Our Proprietor
Sally Prompt

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