
You are

The Guru

You hold the keys to building the life you desire.

Tap into your innate wisdom and start shaping your dream life.

I Am

The Guru

I'll be your partner in exploring and embracing the
10 Keys to Balanced Living.


Together we'll explore traditional, diverse, and personally-developed techniques to guide you toward balance, strength, and fulfillment.


Learn more about my background here.

Take Control of Your Breath

Articles from Goldy and other Selected Authors

Breathing: The Simplest Path to Awakening

Breathing: The Simplest Path to Awakening

Dear Seeker, In the relentless pursuit of success, often we become brilliant at navigating complex

Eternal Air: The Timeless Odyssey of Breath

Eternal Air: The Timeless Odyssey of Breath

Across the eons, humankind has been captivated by the subtle yet powerful act of breathing.

The Hippocratic Breath: A Glimpse into Ancient Healing

The Hippocratic Breath: A Glimpse into Ancient Healing

Hippocrates, often hailed as the ‘Father of Medicine,’ was an ancient Greek physician who recognized

Free Initial Consultation

Everyone should benefit from learning to control their breath.

To help foster breathing education, Goldy is offering a *Free* 10-minute basic breathwork workshop if you sign up now. 

Only a few time slots available- sign up soon!